Sunday, October 13, 2024

The War in Ukraine Helps Advance the Great EU Neoliberal Project 

Movers and shakers cash in while workers are disciplined and the welfare state is cut.

Russia and Iran Are On The Same Page Regarding Armenia

Tehran and Moscow refuse to play into the neocons’ hands.

Links 9/16/2023

Satyajit Das: Why You Should Support Naked Capitalism’s “Imagined Community” (More Powerful Than That Might Sound!)

Why Naked Capitalism is a rare sort of community and a worthy enterprise. So please contribute! The Tip Jar beckons.

The Resumption Of US Military Activity In Niger Puts France On The Strategic Backfoot

The Niger situation has developed not necessarily to France’s advantage.

How Public Pianos Decorated by Artists Came to Dot Portland’s Streets and Parks

Portland provides pianos as a public amenity.

2:00PM Water Cooler 9/15/2023

~ Today’s Water Cooler ~

Bravo! Met Our Fourth Goal, On to Our Fifth: Karōshi Prevention

Help meet the goal of keeping Yves and her fellow writers in fighting form by providing for some down time!

‘This Is Our Defining Moment’: UAW Launches Historic Strikes Against Big Three Automakers

The once-feared UAW is flexing some muscle. Complaints about expenses are disingenuous v, the cost of stock manipulation, aka buybacks.

Links 9/15/2023

Announcing the 2023 Harry Shearer and Friends “Double Your Donation” Challenge!

Harry Shearer and two anonymous donors are making a big reader challenge! Will you take them up on it?

Good News in War FOR Cash: Use of Cash in UK Grows for First Time in 10 years

The long-term decline in cash use in the UK appears to have reached its limit, at least for now. 

Davos Man Says ‘Total Transparency’ For You

The word transparency is being defined in an effort to further prevent citizens from demanding it of governments, NGOs, and major companies.

The Rise and Fall of Signaling and Performativity

On the role of signaling and performativity in our increasing elite dysfunction.

2:00PM Water Cooler 9/14/2023

~ Today’s Water Cooler ~