Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Why People Stay After Local Economies Collapse − A Story of Home Among the Ghosts of Shuttered Steel Mills

Why many community members don’t leave in the face of localized collapse, and how they adapt.

2:00PM Water Cooler 8/27/2024

~ Today’s Water Cooler : Politics; syndemics ~

Fog of War and Narrative, Israel and Hezbollah Attacks Edition

An attempt at informational forensics on the Israel-Hezbollah pitched battle on Sunday.

Links 8/27/2024

Three Amigos No More? US and Canada Warn of Dire Economic Consequences if Mexico Persists With Judicial Reforms

Mexico’s President AMLO responds by refusing to discuss the matter with US Ambassador Ken Salazar while giving the Mexican people a brief history lesson on US interference in Latin America.

The Rising Democratic Threat of “Hopeful Militarism”

A new Team Democrat messaging strategy boils down to “War is love.”

Michael Hudson: Forgiveness, Foreclosure, & Christianity

Michael Hudson reprises a favorite theme of how the salutary practice of debt forgiveness came to an end under Greco-Roman oligarchs

2:00PM Water Cooler 8/26/2024

~ Today’s Water Cooler: Politics, pandemics ~

Interview: The Emerging Ethics of Innovative Brain Research

Significant investment has been put toward brain research, including the development of new technologies to treat some conditions. These technologies may very well improve lives, but they also raise a host of ethical issues

Links 8/26/2024

Former Ambassador Chas Freeman: Possible Disintegration of Civilian Government at Year End

Chas Freeman sends a sobering warning.

Why US Belligerence Towards Russia Is Likely to Continue No Matter Who Is President

Biden might be senile and Blinken stupid, but it’s the plutocrats and their think tanks that run the show in Washington. 

The Rate Cuts Powell Dangled in Front of Markets May Slam into Inflationary Fiscal & Economic Policies of Whoever Is in the White House Next Year

Are both parties set to continue stimulative fiscal policy, leaving Powell or a successor to reapply the monetary policy brake?

A Stern Note to Readers

While we encourage well-informed, well-argued, and sometimes energetic discussions, rancor is another matter. Yesterday, a long thread on Lambert’s post on the RFK, Jr. speech where RFK, Jr. excoriated the contemporary Democratic party and endorsed Trump too often descended into advocacy and bile. Several times in the past I have had to shut off comments […]

The Chokepoint: A Ubiquitous and Powerful Tool for Strategic Analysis

The chokepoint concept with a lot of maps and many examples