Saturday, October 5, 2024

US Jury Holds Chiquita Liable for Colombian Death Squad’s Murder of Banana Workers

A rare bit of justice, and perhaps also US consciousness raising, over corporate backed murder abroad.

Türkiye Shows Renewed Interest in Joining BRICS

The moves are being welcomed by Beijing and Moscow. Is Ankara serious this time or is this more playing both sides by Erdogan? 

2:00PM Water Cooler 6/11/2024

~ Today’s Water Cooler: Politics, syndemics; Hunter Biden — dear Hunter! — convicted on gun charges; Luntz focus group on Trump conviction; Library card catalogs ~

Links 6/11/2024

Mastercard Launches Its Biometric Retail Payment System in Europe, Using Poland As a Testing Ground

“Buy with your eyes, pay with your glance.”

Buzzer Beater – Russian General Staff Aims at Ending the Ukraine by Electric War

The Western press is largely ignoring Russia’s destruction of Ukraine’s electric system, which will bring Ukraine to its knees

The EU “Center” Embraces the Right Kind of “Right” 

A look at Europe’s elections and a comparison of the neoliberal, pro-war center with a right that abandons its EU and NATO skepticism begs the question, what’s the difference between the two? 

Carbon Capture Will Extend Oil Production by 84 Years, Industry Study Finds

A Canadian oil field that should have shut down in 2016 can now keep producing oil until 2100.

Ninth Circuit Supports Jacobson Public Health Doctrine, But Accepts “Non-Traditional” Covid Vaccines May In Fact Be Treatments (and Hence Should Not Have Been Mandated)

Key question for consequentialists: If “non-traditional” vaccines are in fact treatments as under the Ninth Circuit’s opinion, what happens to the liability of Pfizer et al. for vaccine injury?

2:00PM Water Cooler 6/10/2024

~ Today’s Water Cooler: Open Thread ~

The Russian Endgame in Ukraine and European Resistance to “Right Wing” Advances: A Thought Experiment

How the unexpected success of right wing parties in France, Germany, and Austria might be focusing a few minds about Russia.

Links 6/10/2024

Book Review: Truth and Consequences for Medical Whistleblowers

In “The Occasional Human Sacrifice,” Carl Elliott notes that those who expose medical wrongdoings are hardly heroes.

The Desire to Be “Your Own Boss” in America

On the romance of being you own boss.

Links 6/9/2024