Saturday, October 5, 2024

Renting Your Life

More on the further erosion of ownership and property rights via required renting.

Word of the Day: Don’t Say “Covid Pandemic.” Say “Covid Syndemic”!

“‘Tis a mystery,” except not!

Links 5/19/2024

Why One New York Health System Stopped Suing Its Patients

American hospital officials often insist that lawsuits and other aggressive collections, though unsavory, are necessary to protect health systems’ finances and deter freeloading. But at Rochester Regional, ditching these collection tactics hasn’t hurt the bottom line.

Links 5/18/2024

Dr. Jill Stein & Michael Hudson: Fighting Russia & China to Last American: Destroying US From Within

The high cost and risks of the Biden Administration commitment to pursue forever wars with Russia and China.

US Affordable Housing Policy Works for Wall Street and Rich Developers, Not Renters

Current policy doesn’t provide affordable housing very well but does a good job of lining the pockets of real estate interests.

2:00PM Water Cooler 5/17/2024

~ Today’s Water Cooler: Politics, pandemics; NC pulls the anti-mask bill for revisions;Trump lawyer trips up Cohen, jeopardizing conviction; another CDC atrocity; Noonan interviews a Wildwood, NY attendee. ~

Defending Privacy in the Surveillance State and Fragmenting Internet

Governments and private entities are eroding privacy on the internet. Is it possible to safeguard both openness and security in cyberspace?

Links 5/17/2024

EU Commission Plans to Strip Funding From Public Prosecutors Investigating Ursula von der Leyen’s Pfizergate Scandal

Surely just a coincidence!

Why Did the US Spend $320 Million on a Rube Goldberg Pier For Gaza?

The infamous Gaza humanitarian aid pier is a construction and logistical nightmare.

The Long Goodbye? Mitch McConnell and Big Money Politics

In a political system whose primary currency is not the vote but the dollar, McConnell’s role as leader has been well-earned.

2:00PM Water Cooler 5/16/2024

~ Today’s Water Cooler: Politics, pandemics, Cohen’s testimony in the Bragg trial plus theories of the case, Biden and Trump debate, the NC legislature bails for the weekend without passing the anti-masking bill, the Impressionists and the Paris Commune. ~

New Palestine Protest/Free Speech Threat: House Oversight Committee Targets 20 Pro-Palestinian Organizations, Such as Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Demanding Treasury Produce Suspicious Activity Reports, Including on Employeees

A new salvo against designated enemies, aka Palestinian rights advocates, which fortunately is more bark than bite.