Saturday, October 5, 2024

What the Government Needs to Do Next to Tackle the Crisis

Jamie Galbraith describes what government needs to do to keep hospitals and the real economy functoning during the coronavirus crisis.

Links 3/24/2020

Debt and Power: An Interview With Michael Hudson

Micheal Hudson explains how the ancient approach to managing debt is far superior to ours.

At Long Last the Government Can Borrow Straight From the Bank of England – As Modern Monetary Theory Has Always Suggested It Should

The UK embraces modern monetary theory….and perhaps hopes no one notices.

Rule Number 1 for Government Bailouts of Companies: Make Sure Voters and Taxpayers Share in the Upside

If the public is to be asked to give bailouts to businesses, it should get something back for its money. It needs to share in any upside.

2:00PM Water Cooler 3/23/2020

Today’s Water Cooler: Biden base v. Sanders base, Biden’s donors, Klobuchar, Sanders, Warren’s donors, employment situation, ventilator manufacturing, Fed QE, climate change, national monuments, “listening to the body,” #COVID19 (chloroquinine, TB), #COVID19 and the poor, self-isolation

Global Level 4 Travel Advisory: Stealth Subsidy for Insurers?

The State Department’s global level 4 health advisory,recommending US citizens not travel internationally, has travel insurance implications.

Sanders Calls for ‘Unprecedented Legislative Response’ to Coronavirus Crisis—Not Corporate Bailouts

Republicans have tabled a corporate bailout plan to calm markets. Can Bernie Sanders and others redirect the stimulus to reflate the economy?

Links 3/23/2020

Bailout Shenanigans: Making 2008 Look Good?

The bailout bill looks shameless, even by Trump Administration standards.

Covid-19: A Tale of Three Regions

An epidemiloigist looks at Covid-19 data.

A Modest Proposal: Make Sure the Public Knows, in Real Time, When Congresscritters are Dumping Shares

The COVID-19 specter led Congresscritters to coo reassurance, and dump shares. A modest proposal: require immediate disclosure of trades.

Links 3/22/2020

Michael Hudson: A Debt Jubilee is the Only Way to Avoid a Depression

In the face of massive economic calamity caused by coronavirus, Michael Hudson argues a debt jubilee is the only way to avoid a depression.

Links 3/21/2020