Friday, October 4, 2024

Ship the Airplane: The Cultural, Organizational and Technical Reasons Why Boeing Cannot Recover

Devastating takedown of what went wrong at Boeing with the 737 Max – presented in straightforward terms non-engineers can understand.

The Paris Agreement Set an Unrealistic Target for Global Warming. Now What?

Is the 2 degree global warming target unrealistic? What now follows?

Progressives to Voters Skeptical of Bernie Sanders: This ‘Big Tent’ Movement Is a Winning and Practical Choice

Sen. Bernie Sanders is now being declared the new Democratic frontrunner, and progressives are reaching out to voters that remain skeptical.

2:00PM Water Cooler 2/13/2020

Today’s Water Cooler: Bloomberg, Buttigieg, Klobuchar, Sanders, Trump, Warren, Yang NH, NV, Gallup on “socialism,” jobs guarantee, Tesla, Amazon, Wayfair, McClatchy spring, bee dances, the Antartic, oil trains halted by protests, #COVID-2019, surprise billing, “Forty Acres and a Mule,” bonsai

Right to Repair Roundup: One Step Forward, One to the Side

A modest civilian advance in the battle over the right to repair – and a brief snippet on how the US military manages creatively to waste resources in the same realm.

Links 2/13/2020

Trump Drops Antitrust Probe of Four Automakers Which Adopted Tougher Cal Tailpipe Emissions Standards

Trump drops antitrust investigation of emissions agreeemt between four automakers and state of California.

EU Plans to Measure True Climate Impacts of LNG Imports From US Fracked Gas

With climate impacts comparable to coal, the European Commission is planning to study methane reductions emission, with implications for fracked gas US producers.

Lower Income Towns in New Hampshire Voted Heavily for Sanders; Richer Towns Did the Opposite

Lower income towns in New Hampshire voted heavily for Sanders, while richer towns did the opposite.

Last Minute Mini-Meetup in Dallas Tomorrow Night!

Announcing a flash meetup in Dallas. Hope you can join despite the very short notice!

2:00PM Water Cooler 2/12/2020

Today’s Water Cooler: Temporarily open thread.

Five Hot Takes on Sanders’ Victory in the New Hampshire Primary

Like it says in the headline….

The Race For Arctic Oil Is Heating Up

Despite climate concerns and environmentalist backlash against exploration for oil and gas in pristine sensitive regions of the Arctic, companies continue to explore for hydrocarbon resources in the Arctic Circle, in Russia and Norway in particular.

Links 2/12/2020

Another Sign of Social Decay: Seniors Alone, Unable to Care for Themselves

More grim facts about seniors show the costs of weakened social bonds and communities.