Friday, October 4, 2024

‘Something Big Is Shifting’: As Georgetown Announces Fossil Fuel Divestment, Students Across US Demand Their Schools Follow Suit

Hoyas show the way on fossil fuels divestment – other US college, universities, and others to follow?

Links 2/8/2020

This Philadelphia Refinery Is the Country’s Worst Benzene Polluter. Trump Wants To Keep It Open

Trump-aided behind-the-scenes shenanigans may keep a horrifically toxic refinery in business.

Live Blog: Democrat Presidential Primary Debate #10 in Manchester, NH

Candidates! Candidates! Candidates! ★★★ Seven candidates on one stage! ★★★ Come on down!

Twitter Is Blocking My Tweets (Updated: Back to Normal)

I appear to have been banned on Twitter.

2:00PM Water Cooler 2/7/2020

Today’s Water Cooler: New Hampshire polls, Biden, Bloomberg, Sanders, Warren, impeachment post mortem, stupid elites, Democrat grifters, Florida redistricting, Lehigh Valley, employment situation, Uber, AirBnB, breast pump startups, Apple, Twitter, fireflies, bumblebees, Australian rains, insect morality, stamp collecting

Climate Change Needs To Be on the Balance Sheet

Serious people are finally calling for serious climate change accounting.

Links 2/7/2020

Hubert Horan: Can Uber Ever Deliver? Part Twenty-Two: Profits and Cash Flow Keep Deteriorating as Uber’s GAAP Losses Hit $8.5 Billion

Dissecting how Uber spun its 2019 financial reports. The actual results continue to be ugly, with no path to profit.

Sanders Called JPMorgan’s CEO America’s ‘Biggest Corporate Socialist’ – Here’s Why He Has a Point

As Sanders becomes a formidable 2020 contender, demonizing socialism is back in style.

Rentier Capitalism: Great for Stocks, Lousy for Growth

An oddly neglected paper gives an idea of how much rentier capitalism has distorted the US economy.

2:00PM Water Cooler 2/6/2020

Today’s Water Cooler: Wowsers.

More (or Less) Economic Limits of the Blockchain

A discussion of blockchain “proof of stake” protocols.

Links 2/6/2020

Ponzi Schemer Bernie Madoff Asks to Be Released From Prison Under “Compassionate Release,” Igniting Debate Over Fairness

Pondering Madoff’s petition to be freed and the general question of compassionate release programs.