Friday, October 4, 2024

Coronavirus: Australia Faces Calamity

Identifying likely economic road kill from the coronavirus outbreak.

Brexit: Warmed Over Chicken

Brexit trade talks are about to begin. The UK is back in drama queen mode.

Shall We Have a Dallas Meetup Thursday February 13?

Up for a Dallas meetup next week?

China Coronavirus Watch: Transmission Methods, Travel, Potential Mutation, AIDS Connection Debunked

Would the United States, faced with a similar challenge, do better than China?

Links 2/2/2020

Climate Change Helped Spawn East Africa’s Locust Crisis

East Africa had an unusually wet year in 2019 — warming waters in the Indian Ocean produced a high number of tropical cyclones, which doused the coast and created “exceptional” conditions for locust breeding.

Links 2/1/2020

Do Davos Billionaires and Bankers Really Believe Booms and Busts Are Over Because They’ve Trained the Fed?

Fed tightening is no longer needed to create recessions, given fragile credit structures and a growing pandemic out of China.

Cybernetic Opioid Pushers: EHR Vendor Practice Fusion to Pay $145 Million to Resolve Criminal and Civil Investigations

Practice Fusion solicited payments to manipulate MDs to prescribe opioids….illustrating how electronic health care records insert themselves in treatment.

2:00PM Water Cooler 1/31/2020

Today’s Water Cooler:

Student Enrollment Dropped 11% Since 2011, Student-Loan Balances Surged 74%. Why?

Drilling into why the student loan problem keeps getting worse.

Links 1/31/2020

US Loses Nearly 4 Million Jobs to China Since WTO Entry

More evidence, this time via China, on the costs globalization imposed on American workers.

Brexit D-Day

The big Brexit day is here.

How Iowa Chooses National Convention Delegates and What That Means For Us

Explaining the Iowa Caucus Rube Goldberg machine.