Friday, October 4, 2024

Secular Stagnation: Demand Is Indeed the Culprit

Economists’ bad medicine is a significant factor in our present stagnation.

Links 1/30/2020

Michael Hudson on the History of Debt Cancellation, Austerity in Europe, January 2020

Michael Husdon reviews the key themes of his recent book, ……and Forgive Them Their Debts, and discusses German austerity.

#MeToo Shamefully Nowhere To Be Found as SEIU Not Only Refuses to Fire Staffers Charged With Multiple Instances of Sexual Misconduct, but Retaliates Against Press and Whistleblowers

SEIU is acting like thugs. Please help reporter Mike Elk who has exposed more of their dirty linen than they can stand to have aired.

The War in Libya Will Never End

Looking at the gap between posturing and positions in Libya

2:00PM Water Cooler 1/29/2020

Today’s Water Cooler: Polling (national, IA, NH, SC, CA), Bloomberg and dog, Buttigieg and staff, Sanders and worried Democrats, Trump rally, impeachment, employment, Bitcoin, Salesforce, Apple, Tesla, automotive supply chain, Wuhan corona virus, the environmental cost of email

How CEOs, Experts and Philosophers See the World’s Biggest Risks Differently

Trying to understand CEOs’ blinkered view of risks.

Links 1/29/2020

Dr. Victor Shih: Coronavirus MUCH Worse Than SARS

A downbeat but persuasive take on the likely progression of the coronavirus.

Anti-Abortion Laws: A War Against Poor Women

Abortion as a class issue.

The Dead Zone Downstream: Gulf Edition

The cost of modern agriculture, as measured by a growing oxygen-free patch in the Gulf of Mexico.

2:00PM Water Cooler 1/28/2020

Today’s Water Cooler: 2019-nCoV and China trade, Bloomberg, Klobuchar, Sanders, Warren, Iowa no longer relevant?, Big 4 accounting firms, pharmacy counters, GM robot cars, Google, Uber, Internet of Things, farming, reforestation, R0, Harvard union-busting, SEIU, gentrification, Jeff Bezos

A New Type of Conflict: France’s Ongoing Struggle for Pensions

The French strike over pensions has gone on longer than any other, even in 1968, has 60% support….yet the press barely covers it.

Links 1/28/2020

Coronavirus: Not Looking Good

Coronavirus updates.