Thursday, October 3, 2024

US Firearm Related Mortality

Firearm death rates are up on a broad basis in the US, and no one yet seems to know why.

The Truth & the Irony: Consortium News and The Continuing Tale of Chrystia Freeland’s Grandfather and His and Her Nazi Scheme for Ukraine Today

Consortium News is suing Canada’s NSA for depicting the publisher as part of a Russian cyber-campaign for exposing then Foreign Minsister Chrystia Freeland lying over her history. But has CN undermined its case?

2:00PM Water Cooler 1/27/2020

By Lambert Strether of Corrente. Politics “But what is government itself, but the greatest of all reflections on human nature?” –James Madison, Federalist 51 “They had one weapon left and both knew it: treachery.” –Frank Herbert, Dune Here is a second counter for the Iowa Caucus, which is obviously just around the corner: * * […]

WSJ Reports: State AGs to Cooperate with Feds to Take on Google?

State AGs to meet with DoJ to discuss cooperating in their respective probes into alleged anti-competitive behavior by Google. Will enforcement actions follow? Time will tell.

Links 1/27/2020

Blue Acceleration: Our Dash for Ocean Resources Mirrors What We’ve Already Done to the Land

Will we drive the Blue Acceleration toward sustainable and equitable trajectories, or will we foul the ocean as we have fouled the land?

Desperation Hidden in Plain Sight: Coastal Edition

Reports of desperation from what some might consider unlikely quarters: the Pacific Northwest.

“A Who’s-Who” of People Against Progressives’ Agenda: DNC’s Perez Under Fire for Convention Committee Picks

The knives are out. Typical pick: Former Congressman Barney Frank, who wrote an op-ed entitled “Why Progressives Shouldn’t Support Bernie.”

Puerto Rico: Earthquake Aftershocks and Aftermath

Thousands of the inhabitants of Puerto Rico still huddle in outdoor shelters, and FEMA has yet to approve assisted rent to relocate people.

Links 1/26/2020

This Problem With Fracked Oil and Gas Wells Is Occurring ‘at an Alarming Rate’

Well casing failures are a growing problem for an industry chasing profitability by cutting corners for its shale gas fracking operations.

Links 1/25/2020

Local Climate Policy Run Amok, Bellingham Edition

Bellingham, Washington tries to take on climate change….and their well-intentioned plan misses an elephant in the room.

Another Great Depression or Tax Justice and Transparency? The Tax Justice Network January 2020 Podcast

TaxCast ranges well beyond tax today, with topics including IMF warnings, the Brexit rogue UK vision, and looting in Angola.

2:00PM Water Cooler 1/24/2020

Today’s Water Cooler: Damage from the Trade War, new national polls, Biden, Bloomberg, Buttigieg, Klobuchar, Sanders, Warren, impeachment, anti-war movement, Africa DNA, HFC-23, Parchman State Penitentiary, globalist social butterflies, liberalism, abortion, Gibson’s “Agency”, Stoic problem-solving