Thursday, October 3, 2024

Trump’s China Trade Deal Handwave

There’s not much to like in the Trump “Phase 1” China trade deal because there’s not much to it.

UN’s Warning that Gaza Will Not Be a “Liveable Place” by 2020 Has Been Realised

The primary cause of this ‘unliveable’ environment is a highly restrictive Israeli blockade, now in its 13th year, which has reduced Gaza to the point of ‘systemic collapse’.

John Helmer: German Parliament Office Reports No Russian Invasion of Donbass, Rejects Media and Government Propaganda

An official German report throws cold water on strong-form claims of Russian military incursion into eastern Ukraine.

2:00PM Water Cooler 1/15/2020

Today’s Water Cooler: Biden, Sanders, Warren, the debate, the handshake, CNN, on-going Boeing debacle, real estate, Austrialia bushfires, coal communities, invasive nutria, pan-psychism, the health insurance industry and the “choice” talking point, FedEx, incarcertation, Tim Geithner, the game of life

PolitiFact Wrongly Lets Biden Off the Hook: The Truth About Social Security Cuts

Going after yet another Biden lie.

Links 1/15/2020

Like Adding ‘Five to Six Hiroshima Bombs of Heat Each Second,’ Study Shows Oceans Warming at Record Rate

Ugly climate change news on the oceans front.

Will Italy’s ‘Sardines’ Be Effective in the Upcoming Regional Election?

Will the populist Sardines shake up the Italian fake left, or will they just be a flash (mob) in the pan?

Live Blog: Democrat Presidential Primary Debate #9 in Des Moines, Iowa

Candidates! Candidates! Candidates! ★★★ Six candidates on one stage! ★★★ Come on down!

2:00PM Water Cooler 1/14/2020

Today’s Water Cooler: Buttigier, Booker, Bloomberg, Gabbard, Sanders, Steyer, Warren, impeachment, Grindr, Boeing, winter scenes, banning fossil fuel capex, carbon and tourism, Exxon’s Imperial Oil and climate denial, the Mekong, Taiwan and single payer, hospitals, coal train blocked

Homeless Californians Adapt to Camp Sweeps and ‘The Caltrans Shuffle’

A vignette from a homeless encampment.

Links 1/14/2020

Trump and the Mad Negotiator Approach

Looking at how Trump approaches negotiations and seeing whether that explains other behaviors.

Conservative Win in Britain Means More Than Economic Trouble Ahead

In an uncertain economic context, the Conservative election win means a loss for health and the environment.

2:00PM Water Cooler Special: Warren Goes Rovian by Signal Boosting and Fundraising Off a Poorly Sourced Politico Hit Piece

Claws out from the Warren campaign!