Thursday, October 3, 2024

Trump, Granting Lobbyist Demands, Quietly Handed Billions More in Tax Breaks to Huge Corporations: Report

Team Trump keeps soldiering along with its pro-corporate agenda.

Australia Burning; Tourists in New South Wales and Victoria Flee to Beaches

A grim take from smoky Australia.

2:00PM Water Cooler 12/30/2019

Today’s Water Cooler: Open thread.

Nebraska Farmers Lead on Right to Repair

Nebraska farmers are promoting a right to repair for farm equipment; if negotiations for an agreement founder, state legislation is likely.

Links 12/30/19

Why Bad Customer Service Won’t Improve Anytime Soon

Why companies find it profitable to provide crapified customer service: this is by design, rather than reflecting incompetence.

London Tops Global Study for World’s Worst Microplastics Pollution

London tops four cities examined for microplastics pollution; still early days for assessing this pollution’s impact on human health.

Links 12/29/19

How Sales Shopping Is Killing the Planet

Rampant holiday sales are symptoms of the throwaway culture, and exacerbate the worldwide waste crisis.

Links 12/28/19

7 Science-Based Strategies To Boost Your Willpower and Succeed with Your New Year’s Resolutions

New Year’s self-improvement! Tips on how to organize your life to as to improve your willpower.

Reports Of Patients’ Deaths Linked To Heart Devices Lurk Below Radar

Another KHN scoop on how the FDA has been hiding reports of bad outcomes with medical devices, in this case, ones for heart disease.

2:00PM Water Cooler 12/27/2019

Today’s Water Cooler: Open thread.

Links 12/27/19

The Loss of Fair Play

How the importance of at least pretending to be fair has eroded, and why that matters.