Wednesday, October 2, 2024

A National Disgrace’: Trump Proposes Social Security Change That Could End Disability Benefits for Hundreds of Thousands

While you were distracted by impeachment theatrics, Trump creates more obstacles to keeping Social Security disability benefits

Links 12/17/19

Wildfires Are Getting Worse, and So Is the Deadly Smoke They Bring With Them

udies of wildfire smoke give even more cause for pause.

What Would Happen If The ACA Went Away?

The ACA is back in play.

Boeing Halts 737 Max Production to Reduce Cash Burn; Suppliers Hit; Measurable Ding to GDP Expected

Boeing takes a 737 Max self-preservation measure, to the detriment of suppliers and even the overall US economy.

2:00PM Water Cooler 12/16/2019

Today’s Water Cooler: Bloomberg, Buttigieg, Klobuchar, Sanders, Trump, Warren, impeachment, California’s tricky ballot, manufacturing, Boeing 737, venture capital is broken, the Amazon, a Blue New Deal, gardening game (!), Xmas, hermit crabs and inequality, Gary Snyder, the Internet

Virginia Supreme Court Upholds Ruling that George Mason University Foundation Is Not Subject to State FOIA Statute, Leaving Koch Funding Details Undisclosed

Virginia Supreme Court allows Koch influence to remain undisclosed; the decision has yet to attract much media attention.

Links 12/16/19

Climate Change: US Denounced as ‘Threat to Humanity’ as COP25 Ends Without Deal on Big Polluters’ Responsibility to Frontline Nations

What will it take or political leaders to take serious action to combat climate change? UN COP25 Summit a complete failure.

Felix Rohatyn, an Icon of an Older Wall Street, Is Dead

Why Felix Rohatyn was and wasn’t typical of his industry.

Don’t Blame Corbyn or Brexit: Labour Failed To Rage Against the Hated Political System

A take on why Labour failed.

California Governor Newsom Nixes PG&E Bankruptcy Plan

California governor Newsom’s rejection of PG&E bankruptcy plan forces the company to present an alternative before Tuesday.

Links 12/15/19

Argentina Wants a Fracking Boom. The US Offers a Cautionary Tale

Argentina attempts to push fracking, despite its poor economic prospects – even worse than the industry’s lossmaking record in the US.

Links 12/14/19