Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Links 12/9/19

Elizabeth Warren’s “Foreign Policy”

Yves here. I hate to seem unduly hard on Warren, but she has made having detailed and supposedly well informed policy positions here calling card. This post by Ilargi examines one she volunteered, as opposed to backed into by being questioned in an interview or a debate. By Raúl Ilargi Meijer. an editor at Automatic […]

Estuaries, Climate Change, and “Blue Carbon”

Estuaries defined, whether they are carbon sources or carbon sinks, and an excursion into the world of climate NGOs through “blue carbon.”

Links 12/8/19

Using History to Understand Hidden Wealth in the UK

Between 1920 and 1992, English elites concealed 20-32% of their wealth. Accounting for hidden wealth eliminates one-third of the observed decline of top 10% wealth share over the past century.

Links 12/7/19

The Geography of EU Discontent

The EU’s flyover, meaning areas in economic decline, are also its hotbeds of discontent and anti-EU sentiment.

Financialization of the U.S. Pharmaceutical Industry

A takedown of the pharmaceutical industry’s assertion that it need to price gouge so it can invest in R&D. Profits go almost entirely to various forms of looting.

2:00PM Water Cooler 12/6/2019

Today’s Water Cooler: Biden, Buttigieg, Bloomberg terminal gaffe, Harris, Sanders, Harry Reid, impeachment, Durham report a damp squib?, employment situation, electric vehicles, Apple, the startup Away, suburban buses, Sunrise Movement, care work, domesticated humans, the cortex

US Targets Wage-Repression Model in Mexico, Demands Inspections, Industry Has a Cow

A proposed provision in the so-called “NAFTA 2.0” to increase autoworker wages in Mexico is raising hackles south of the border.

Links 12/6/19

Coal Is Dead, But China Is Reviving It

Bad climate news: coal is far from over.

Why Hospitals Never Have Enough Nurses: The Explanatory Power of “Prasad’s Law” of Wealth Concentration

Nurses, or more accurately, nurse staffing levels demonstrate a central bad incentive in American medicine.

CalPERS Should Thank Us for Publicizing, and Therefore Undermining Their Repeated Efforts to Hand Private Equity Portfolio to BlackRock: BlackRock’s Mark Wiseman Fired for Affair With Subordinate, Leading to Suspension of New Investments from “Warren Buffett” Style Megafund

How we helped CalPERS, despite the fund’s concerted efforts, dodge a BlackRock bullet.

2:00PM Water Cooler 12/5/2019

Today’s Water Cooler: WTO dispute resolution, digital services, Huawei, 2000 v. 2019, Biden’s bus, Buttigieg, Iowa caucus, impeachment witness statements, VSAP, Wells Fargo, UPS, Google, private equity, corals, climate polling, health insurance, Maxwell’s equations, generationsd