Monday, July 22, 2024

Libra: The Known Unknowns and Unknown Unknowns

The article assesses the information as yet made available about Libra, including the implications for its exchangeability, scalability, privacy, and security. It is clear the design of the currency is yet to be finished, and many questions remain about its governance and structure.

Brexit: Focusing the Mind

What does Johnson’s Brexit gambit portend?

The Sacrificial Rites of Capitalism We Don’t Talk About

How capitalism’s dominant narrative, that of self-interested competition, is at odds with other themes, like deferred gratification and sacrifice.

2:00PM Water Cooler 8/28/2019

Today’s Water Cooler: Biden, Warren, Stacey Abrams, business uncertainty, investor confidence, Facebook and gambling addiction, micro-lending, Boeing 737 MAX, asteroid Ryugu, Rosa Parks Barbie, Popeyes workers, Blackjewel workers, dark markets, Sumerian

Judge Issues $572 Million Verdict Against J & J in Oklahoma Opioids Trial: Settlements to Follow?

Judge issues $572 million verdict in J&J opioids trial. Some settlements of multiple pending lawsuits will likely follow.

Links 8/28/19

Trump Transition: Emoluments Clause Ain’t Kryptonite

The emoluments clause isn’t some form of anti-Trump kryptonite. Eyes on the 2020 prize please.

Newark’s Water Crisis is One of Thousands That Are Worse Than Flint’s

This RNN interview with Charles Jackson addresses lead poisoning: a public health emergency in poor working class communities across the United States.

Flood the Market

Buyouts can save Houston’s flood-soaked homeowners — if they can get one. Instead, ordinary homeowners fail to qualify, and real estate speculators make out.

2:00PM Water Cooler 8/27/2019

Today’s Water Cooler: New polling aggregator, Biden, Gillibrand, Harris, Sanders, Warren, consumer confidence, manufacturing, housing, network outages, Boeing, Huawei, Ford, Tesla, brain parasites, boreal carbon, Medieval peasants, Campbell awards, Walter Benjamin, Nancy

Robocalls: Your Number, Please

The players change, but the game remains the same: telephone companies agree to empty agreement intended to combat robocalls.

Links 8/27/19

Brexit: Sound and Fury

Even though not much looks to have changed with Brexit, the mere running down of the clock does make a difference.

Bernie Sanders’ GND Plan Will Nationalize Power Generation in the U.S.

Sanders presents an ambitious plan.

A National Public School ‘Leadership’ Disaster: Private Firms Vetting Candidates for Superintendent

How search firms engaged to find and vet candidates for public school superintendent regularly endorse individuals who have fabricated credentials and skeltons in their closets.