Sunday, October 6, 2024

More Economic Effects of Our Ongoing Covid Pandemic (with Cognitive Dysfunction and the Labor Market)

Are the effects of Long Covid on the workforrce “material”? Plus the labor market, labor force participation, “the economy,” etc.

2:00PM Water Cooler 4/15/2024

~ Today’s Water Cooler: Open thread ~

Links 4/15/2024

How Ultranationalist Zionists Seek the Destruction of the Al Aqsa Mosque to Produce the End Times

On the plans to destroy the Al Aqsa mosque, one of the most sacred site in Islam, and the conflagration it would generate.

Starbucks Seeks Supreme Court Protection From Being Ordered to Rehire Baristas Who Say They Were Fired for Union-Promoting Activities

The conservative Supremes appear set to side with Starbucks in an upcoming case that will hurt union organizing across the country. 

Michael Hudson: The Truth about the Destruction of the Palestinians

What Michael Hudson learned about Palestinians from the Mossad 50 years ago: “The aim all along has been to kill them.”

Links 4/14/2024

Will the American Oligarchy Accept Limits or Choose World War Three?

Putin has said Ukraine conflict is existential threat to Russia, but there are signs the Western capitalist class is dealing with their own existential crises. Will their greed get us all killed?

The Myth That India’s Freedom Was Won Nonviolently Is Holding Back Progress

Some struggles can be kept nonviolent, but decolonization never has been—certainly not in India.

Criminalizing the Unhoused Is Inherently Cruel

Fining, arresting, and jailing people for a lack of housing is never the solution—and compounds existing housing inequities.

Yanis Varoufakis: My Berlin Speech on Palestine That German Police Entered the Venue to Ban

Germany sends the cops to shut down a conference on Palestine on trumped-up grounds. What next?

Links 4/13/2024

2:00PM Water Cooler 4/12/2024

~ Today’s Water Cooler: Politics and pandemics, Shananhan at the border, FDR’s “fireside chats,” H5N1 testing, the warrantless surveillance zombie staggers on ~

Young People Finally Starting to Recognize the Super Rich and Not Oldsters Are the Problem

As the rich become both richer and better bunkered, the young are finally realizing that wealth disparity is a big part of what ails them.

Links 4/12/2024