Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Understanding Why the Green New Deal Won’t Really Work

A sanity check on the Green New Deal.

Brexit: Whither Boris?

It seems likely that Johnson will resign rather than be in office October 31 and risk being held responsible by the Brexit Party for an extension. But when would he pull that trigger?

How Performance Evaluation Metrics Corrupt Researchers

New research shows how citation metrics create perverse incentives for corruption in economics.

Reminder: London Meetup Today (with Jerri-Lynn, Clive, Richard Smith); We Look Forward to Seeing You!

London meetup today with Jerri-Lynn, Clive, and Richard Smith.

2:00PM Water Cooler 10/2/2019

Today’s Water Cooler: Hunter Biden and China, Sanders stent operation, Trump fundraising, Warren and black voters, ADP employment report, Mr. Market has a sad, Amazon, UPS, WeWork, climate change and the Precautionary principle, mobile herb apothecary, SEIU, datasheets, radio

Libra Unraveling: Network of “Partners” Like Visa and Mastercard Refusing Even to Give Lip Service

Quelle surprise! Facebook’s touted Libra partners are getting cold feet.

Links 10/2/19

Peter Dorman: Give a Gift to Yourself, By Way of Naked Capitalism

How Naked Capitalism helps make readers wider, deeper, and more reflective thinkers, be-ers and activists.

The Implementation Flaw in Warren’s Wealth Tax

There are better ways to skin fat cats than Warren’s wealth tax.

Secular Stagnation: The Limits of Conventional Wisdom

The debate over secular stagnation continues, yet orthodox economists are loath to admit that the needed fix is more demand, which means more government spending.

The Self-Set Impeachment Trap

The Democrats are going about impeachment in a particularly stupid way.

Well Done! Met Our Second Fundraising Target Quickly, on to the Third: Supporting the Comments Section

The caliber of the comments section is Naked Capitalism’s secret sauce. Please invest to keep it lively!

2:00PM Water Cooler 10/1/2019

This is Naked Capitalism fundraising week. 417 donors have already invested in our efforts to combat corruption and predatory conduct, particularly in the financial realm. Please join us and participate via our donation page, which shows how to give via check, credit card, debit card, or PayPal. Read about why we’re doing this fundraiser, what […]

Mark Carney’s Trojan Unicorn — Are Central Banks Considering Stealth Nationalization in Sovereign Digital Currencies?

Mark Carney talks about digital soverign currencies. But is he really describing nationalization? And if so, whither the commercial banks?

Links 10/1/19