Thursday, October 3, 2024

Coral Reefs, Climate Change, and Mobilization

Coral reefs can be saved. So let’s mobilize to do it.

Links 9/29/19

The End of Super Imperialism?

Bank of England Governor Mark Carney’s proposal to invent to replace the US dollar as the key reserve currency with a “synthetic hegemonic currency.”

Links 9/28/19

How Facial Recognition Technology Is Bringing Surveillance Capitalism to Our Streets

Facial recognition cameras are bringing the datafication of the internet to the real world, threatening our right to privacy and public space.

Why Cheaper Drugs from Canada Likely Won’t Cure What Ails US

Why importing drugs from Canada is a band-aid on a gunshot wound.

2:00PM Water Cooler 9/27/2019

By Lambert Strether of Corrente Trade “WTO: US Can Sanction Nearly $8 Billion of EU Goods Over Airbus Aid” [Industry Week]. “The World Trade Organization will authorize the U.S. to impose tariffs on nearly $8 billion of European goods due to illegal state aid provided to aircraft maker Airbus SE, according to people familiar with […]

We Can’t Rely on Corporations to Reform Themselves – We Must Challenge Their Power

Corporations cross their hearts and swear that they’ll care about more than executive and director pay and stock prices.

Links 9/27/19

Brexit: Gaming It Out

Brexit is getting more fractious but noise does not translate into progress.

To Save Our Oceans, We Have to Change What We Do on Land

The IPCC issues a new, grim report about the health of oceans.

Iran’s Ultimate Middle East Power Play

An overview of Iran’s grand strategy.

NYC Meetup Tuesday October 29; Possible Dallas and Houston or Austin Meeups in November

Announcing more meetup plans.

2:00PM Water Cooler 9/26/2019

Today’s Water Cooler: Iran oil to China blocked, trade deal with Japan, Warren and big donors, WFP, and #MedicareForAll, latest on Ukraine, Epstein and Prince Andrew, jobless claims, GDP, international trade, Uber, WeWork, Peloton, Tesla, Amazon, hedgies and vaping, climate and the oceans, income inequality, Piketty on billionaires, GM strike

Could Climate Change Fuel the Rise of Right-Wing Nationalism?

How climate change is bad not just for health but also politics.