Friday, October 4, 2024

Rotten Apple: Right to Repair Roundup

Apple continues to crapify its products, in ways intended to thwart the ability of their owners to use third party services to repair their devices.

Links 8/11/19

Example of ‘Unknown Unknowns,’ Study Detailing ‘Almost Instant Mortality of Corals’ Suggests Crisis Worse Than Previously Understood

New study published by Current Biology reveals that warming waters are an even bigger threat to coral reefs than experts previously realized.

Links 8/10/19

Austerity Has Made People Less Prepared for a No Deal Brexit

The government says it’s preparing for a Brexit crash out. But ten years of spending cuts have made the people of Britain intensely vulnerable to economic shock.

Bleak Financial Outlook for US Fracking Industry

The poor economics of fracking may finally be coming home to roost.

2:00PM Water Cooler 8/9/2019

Today’s Water Cooler: Japan/Korea trade war, Biden, Buttigieg, Gabbard, Sanders, Trump, Warren, El Paso and Dayton, impeachment, voting machines, prices, Goldman Sachs, Uber, tech and censorship, climate change and poutine, etc., Paradise fire, Scott County, MS, body weight and the immune system

How Capitalism Exploits Our Fear of Old Age

Pondering the challenges of being old now.

Links 8/9/19

Deskilling Among Manufacturing Production Workers

More evidence of how manufacturing workers have taken it on the chin.

New IPCC Report Warns of Vicious Cycle Between Soil Degradation and Climate Change

This Real News Network interview with Diana Ruiz of Greenpeace covers yet another dangerous effect of global warming: soil degradation and its knock-on effects.

Why I Hate Houses

Houses suck.

2:00PM Water Cooler 8/8/2019

Today’s Water Cooler:

CalPERS Staff Caught Out in Yet Another Power Grab, Tries Gagging the Board With Staff’s “Board Code of Conduct”

The CalPERS board continues to waste time on tinpot tyranny rather than focusing on the challenge of the penion system’s substantial underfunding.

Links 8/8/19