Friday, October 4, 2024

5 Reasons Why Trump’s Venezuela Embargo Won’t End the Maduro Regime

Why the sanctions on Venezuela aren’t all they are cracked up to be.

Doctors Argue Plans To Remedy Surprise Medical Bills Will ‘Shred’ The Safety Net

A PR campaign presenting the consumer fraud known as surprise billing as beneficial doesn’t stand up to scrutiny.

Australia Debates: Communist Party China the New Nazi Germany?

A row Down Under as a prominent and well placed MP says some not-nice things about China.

2:00PM Water Cooler 8/7/2019

Today’s Water Cooler:

Tightening Nickel Supply Threatens Electric Vehicle Boom

Nickel supplies are a new electronic vehice maker worry.

Links 8/7/19

Apollo Doth Protest Too Much: Our Leon Black-Jeff Epstein Post Elicits Intervention by Apollo’s Flack

Apollo looks unduly anxious.

Low on Water, California Farmers Turn to Solar Farming

Some California farmers are shifting their “crops” to reduce water use. But is it too little, too late?

Britain After Brexit: Welcome to the Vulture Restaurant

US business will asset-strip the UK, but that’s not all: the Pentagon will find the little-known fragments of the British empire very useful.

2:00PM Water Cooler 8/6/2019

Today’s Water Cooler: Biden, Sanders, Trump, Warren, billionaire donors, El Paso shootings, AOC’s chief of staff, DNC dysfunction, DSA convention, typos that change lives, those feral hogs

How Private Prisons Affect Sentencing

Since the introduction of private prisons, rates of incarceration have risen strongly . How much are those prisons to blame?

Links 8/6/19

Michael Hudson: Why Frances Coppola’s “The Case for the People’s Quantitative Easing” Is for Banks, Not the People

A dubious proposal to continue over-reliance on monetary policy, this time with a quantitative easing scheme, instead of fiscal spending.

What Plunging Global Semiconductor Sales Says About Autos, IT & How the Economy Reacts to Uncertainties

Should you worry about the biggest fall in semiconductor sales since the Financial Crisis?

Mr. Market Swoons as Trump Administration Escalates Trade War with China With “Currency Manipulator” Charge

Markets are in a tizzy over the US-China trade row. But what might come next?