Saturday, October 5, 2024

2:00PM Water Cooler 7/16/2019

Today’s Water Cooler: Castro, Harris, O’Rourke, Steyer, Warren, Democrat debates, AOC v. Pelosi, Koch Brothers, Case-Deaton, industrial production and retail sales both strong, central bankers want fiscal assistance, Amazon, Tesla, Google, Uber, fossil fuels, carbon tracker, Eric Garner, oppression

Waste Watch: Why Do We Discard So Many Edible Fish We Pull From the Sea?

New House of Lords report laments failure to slow discarding edible fish back into the sea; Australia also tosses much of its catch.

Links 7/16/19

Taxes for Revenue Are Obsolete

In a 1946 classic, New York Fed chairman Beardsley Ruml explains why taxes aren’t necessary for Federal spending and argues against corporate income taxes.

The Big Blue Gap in the Green New Deal

Filling in the missing chapter on oceans for the Green New Deal,

Why Social Mobility Is a Lousy Idea

Recognizing social mobility as yet another “divide and conquer” strategy.

2:00PM Water Cooler 7/15/2019

Today’s Water Cooler: China’s economy and tariffs, Sanders and the media, Pelosi & Trump v. AOC, AOC interview, Tammany Hall, manufacturing, banking reserves, robot car hype dying down?, political scenarios for climate disaster, sand, Manhattan blackout, the public option, wage theft, Art Young

How NGOs in Rich Countries Control their Counterparts in Poor Countries..and Why they Refuse to Resolve it

Many NGOs around the world are fighting inequality between the rich and the poor, but the bigger NGOs are unwilling to fight policies that keep rich NGOs richer.

Links 7/15/19

CalPERS Sleaze Watch: Showcases Criminal Ex-General “Betray-Us” as Keynote Speaker at Offsite

CalPERS demonstrates its lack of interest in ethics and propriety.

CalPERS’ Hedge Fund With 34% Stake in National Enquirer Parent Alleged To Be “Parking” Rather Than Selling (Updated)

Some funny-looking business with CalPERS desire to be rid of National Enquirer’s parent, American Media.

737 Max May Stay Grounded into 2020; Why Does Boeing CEO Muilenburg Still Have a Job?

Boeing remains mired in its 737 Max mess.

Climate Change Lawsuits Increase Globally

Climate change litigation is increasing globally from initial US origins. These legal actions will continue to grow as the crisis accelerates.

Links 7/14/19

Will Democratic Party Superdelegates Prevent a Progressive Nominee in 2020?

This Real News Network interview discusses the threat of superdelegates intervening in the 2020 Democratic party convention.