Saturday, October 5, 2024

The Individual Costs of Occupational Decline

Quelle surprise! Occupational decline, aka “The robots ate my career,” lowers lifetime earnings, particulalry for low-wage workers.

Book Review: John Patrick Leary’s “Keywords: The New Language of Capitalism”

One more book to read!

2:00PM Water Cooler 6/25/2019

Today’s Water Cooler: Biden, Sanders, Warren, DNC and debates, knitters, Google donations, DSA dog caucus, manufacturing, Toys “R” Us, Amazon, Comcast ripoff, Green New Deal, permafrost, forests, weed, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Zork, epic trolling

“Convenience” for Whom?

Lambert goes to the convenience store and buys coffee.

Lawrence Wilkerson: Trump Is Deepening the ‘Economic War’ Against Iran

Lawernce Wilkerson offers another dose of his pithy commentary on US policy versus Iran.

Links 6/25/19

Are Economists Blocking Progress on Climate Change?

As they so often do, by promoting unrealisitc models, economists have become part of problem rather than the solution.

Why Public Schools’ Best Days Could Be Ahead of Us

Some urban public schools, like the ones in St. Louis, are about to regain substantial local control after budget crises made them wards of the state (government). Will these cities be able to take advantage of this opportunity?

AI, Drones, Empathy, Alienation, and the Gig Economy

Why operating drones for the military and moderating content for Facebook are both really bad gigs.

2:00PM Water Cooler 6/24/2019

Today’s Water Cooler: Temporarily open thread.

Book Review: Stephanie Jones-Rogers’ “They Were Her Property”

This important scholarly work paints a vivid portrait of 19th century America’s most significant and devastating system of economic exchange.

Links 6/24/19

Former Shale Gas CEO Says Fracking Revolution Has Been ‘A Disaster’ For Drillers, Investors

“Excluding capital, the big eight basin producers have destroyed on average 80 percent of the value of their companies since the beginning of the shale revolution,”

The Sham of Shareholder Capitalism

The mythology of shareholder capitalism does not stand up to scrutiny.

Victory Gardens in the World Wars (and in the Neoliberal Era)

A random walk through Victory Garden posters, with commentary, and a recommendation that the government mobilize to recreate them.