Tuesday, October 8, 2024

2:00PM Water Cooler 2/28/2024

~ Today’s Water Cooler ~

Can Baby Bonds Fight the Wealth Gap and Racial Inequality? Connecticut Aims to Find Out.

Connecticut is the first state to enact and fund a baby bonds program. Can it make a difference?

Links 2/28/2024

Our Loss of Science in the 21st Century and How to Get It Back

KLG looks at how science has lost stature, and how that affects scientists and the current practice of science.

A Transparent, Open-Source Vision for U.S. Elections

Voting technology in the U.S. is secretive and often expensive. Would an open-source alternative be a better approach?

How Revillaging and Natural Building Are Increasing Climate Resilience

Some grass roots initiatives by architects and community members to increase climate resilience by improving building and local planning.

2:00PM Water Cooler 2/27/2024

~ Today’s Water Cooler ~

The Government’s Deliberate Policy of Prejudicing the Poorest in Our Society Is Imposing Destitution on Millions

UK and US policy are mean to the poor, even though that stinginess costs all of us.

Links 2/27/2024

UK Government Sued Over NHS’s Heavily Redacted Contract With US Spytech Firm Palantir

Even critical paragraphs on how NHS patients’ personal data will be handled have been blacked out.

“Iran’s Syria Strategy Is Coming Unravelled”

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty makes a big claim about Iran’s role in Syria. Does the article deliver the goods?

Navalny Organization Splits Into Whites and Reds as Lies Multiply

In-fighting between Navalny camps, one around his mother, the other his wife, raises more questions about official pronouncements.

Adele vs. Taylor Swift, Covid, and Entertainment Industry Pandemic Insurance

Twists and turns as artists and their insurers adapt to the on-going Covid pandemic (and fans go unprotected)

2:00PM Water Cooler 2/26/2024

~ Water Cooler: Open Thread ~

Links 2/26/2024