Tuesday, October 8, 2024

IM Doc Warns of Coming Medical Dystopia in the US via Pervasive Recording of Visits, AI Test Ordering and Upselling

The coming horror of the loss of privacy and degradation of service via the brave new world of AI administered medicine.

Russiagate Revived in Latest MI6 Operation Against Russia — A Spy Alone Is Spy Baloney

Russiagate fever reaches a new pitch with a new supposed spook-tells-all tale of Russia fixing the Brexit vote.

2:00PM Water Cooler 2/16/2024

~ Today’s Water Cooler ~

Bizarre Valedictory Interview by CalSTRS Investment Chief, Chris Ailman, Asks Private Equity to Be Nice and Share with Workers

A revealing, and not at all in a good way, discussion of private equity by departing CalSTRS Chief Investment Officer Chris Ailman.

Links 2/16/2024

France’s Macron Government Is Trying to Criminalise Criticism of Officially Recommended or Mandated Medical Treatments

A new escalation in the war on what governments deem to be medical mis-, dis- and mal-information appears to be under way.

Israeli Siege Has Placed Gazans at Risk of Starvation − Prewar Policies Made Them Vulnerable in the First Place

The more you look at the genocidal actions of Israel, the more the clear its abject lack of morality becomes.

NYC Squeezing Migrants Out of Waiting Rooms, Effectively Forcing Them on to the Streets

NYC Mayor Adams wants to close overflow sites where migrants evicted from shelters sleep on the ground while waiting for a new cot

2:00PM Water Cooler 2/15/2024

~ Today’s Water Cooler ~

Bill Lerach on Litigating Corporate Wrongdoing: “The System Is Set Up to Defeat Deterrence”

The formidable and controversial former lawyer Bill Lerach explained in a recent interview why corporate misconduct is so deeply entrenched.

Links 2/15/2024

Inflation and Power

Why the Fed’s approach to inflation has the main effect of reducing labor bargaining power, which is seldom the real problem.

The U.S.’ Return to Its “Denial Oil” Strategy Is Critical

A perspective from Kurdistan on the US’ choices in the Middle East, with control over oil an open question.

From the History of Western War Crimes: The Dresden Massacre (February 1945)

On the Dresden firebombing and the established pattern of World War II victors to ignore their war crimes.

2:00PM Water Cooler 2/14/2024

~ Today’s Water Cooler ~