Tuesday, October 8, 2024

North Ignores ‘Perfect Storm’ in Global South

The risk of rolling financial/economic crises across much of the Global South is high and the pressures seem only to be rising.

Links 2/14/2024

Science We Can Use: Why Do Autoimmune Disorders Afflict Women More Often than Men?

A detailed look at a widely-discussed new paper on why autoimmune diseases afflict women much more often then men.

A Look at Private Equity’s Medicare Advantage Grifting

More on why Medicare Advantage is a criminogenic environment. And private equity has gotten in on the action.

What Would Happen If Biden Stepped Aside?

The alternatives if Biden does not make it to the convention, the options are ugly.

2:00PM Water Cooler 2/13/2024

~ Today’s Water Cooler ~

GoFundMe Has Become a Health Care Utility

Increased reliance on GoFundMe for big medical bills (for those that can even raise money) confirms that the US medical system is predatory.

Links 2/13/2024

Ukraine Collapse Starting. What Happens Next?

Russia has a lot of choices to make when the Ukraine military collapses.

“Bank Wars” in UK: Santander Denounces Advert By Rival Lender Criticising Out-of-Control Branch Closures

The Spanish banking giant doesn’t appear to have heard of the Streisand effect. Or perhaps it considers itself immune from its fallout

Moody’s Just Told You So — Downgrades Israel, Warns That Weaker US Backing for Israel, War With Hezbollah Would Trigger Crash

Ratings agency downgrades of Israel confirm that its economy is taking hits and will suffer even more damage under a long war.

The California “Department of Political Health” Mandates Covid Infection with Its New “One Day” Order (and How to Stop Them)

California’s new rule mandates Covid infection, violates California’s Adminstrative Procedures Act, and its stated purpose is not justified by statute.

2:00PM Water Cooler 2/12/2024

~ Today’s Water Cooler: Open Thread ~

Links 2/12/2024

Protecting the Most Benign Institution (Our Public Library)

The library serves us all without fail.