Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Will We Follow China and Suffer Deflation – Which Is Very Much Worse Than Inflation?

Central bankers fret about inflation, but the far more destructive deflation may become a treat.

Links 2/8/2024

EU Farmers’ Protests, Food Security, and the Green New Deal Big Lie by Omission About Livelihoods

How the EU farmers’ protests illustrate the obstacles to climate change containment policies. And Green hopium has made matters worse.

Rob Urie: Imperialism, Lenin, and US Wars Abroad

Why Lenin was right.

Israeli Government’s Lies About Gaza Shouldn’t Be a Surprise

A weirdly informative treatment of Israel lies, by virtue of apparent reticence to call out genocide and take on Zionism.

2:00PM Water Cooler 2/7/2024

~ Today’s Water Cooler ~

Neocolonial ISDS, Abused, Biased, Costly, and Grossly Unfair

Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) provisions in trade pacts – long abused by opportunists – are slowly being rejected by governments.

Links 2/7/2024

Troubling Trends in Armenia Mirror Pre-War Ukraine

The country is once again at the center of international competition, Nazi ghosts are being resurrected, and anti-Russian attitudes are gaining favor. 

The Maidan Cookie Has Crumbled – Ukraine Study Finds Most Multinational Companies Still in Russia

A new study claims that a substantial majority of foreign businesses in Russia that were supposed to exit due to sanctions are still there.

New Study Reveals Greenwashing as Key Obstacle for “Sustainable” Funds

Sustainable fund managers have discredited the sector by being way too company-friendly, such as accepting greenwashing claims.

2:00PM Water Cooler 2/6/2024

~ Today’s Water Cooler ~

Trump, Populism, and the Republican Establishment: Two Graphs From New Hampshire

This year’s New Hampshire primary testifies to the disintegration of the Republican Party

Links 2/6/2024

Why Is Tony Blair So Keen for the UK’s National Health Service to Sell Off Its Patients’ Health Data to Private Companies?

What is being proposed is obviously a terrible deal for NHS patients. But could the Tony Blair Institute’s biggest donor benefit handsomely?