Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Kentucky Retirement Systems Plaintiffs Battle With Yet More Efforts by KKR and Blackstone to Delay or Prevent Discovery

An update on the long-running Kentucky Retirement Systems pension case, with KKR and Blackstone and their execs still fighting discovery

Putin Calls for Sanctions Revenge, Threatens to Cap Uranium Exports

Russia is considering restricting commodities exports such as uranium to what it has called “unfriendly” countries.

2:00PM Water Cooler 9/11/2024

~ Today’s Water Cooler: Politics, syndemics; Kamala’s earrings; About those cats… ; Do Covid tests work for the latest variants? Not immediately; Boeing should be kicked out of the Dow ~

The Rev Kev: And Now for Something Completely Different

Some celebrities make special guest appearances to urge you to donate generously to Naked Capitalism.

Official US Poverty Rate Declined in 2023, but More People Faced Economic Hardship

The arguably better official measure of US poverty says the poor are getting poorer.

Links 9/11/2024

How Extensive is the Privatization of Security?

A disconcerting review of how far private security, as in policing not supervised by a state, has gone in the US and abroad.

No Solid Scientific Basis for Degrowth

Two economists depict degrowth studies as analytically weak and advocating political infeasible ideas.

A Short Overview of Making Colonial Empires by European Powers from the Time of the Vienna Congress up to WWI (1815−1914)

A high level recap of how European powers built out their empires in the century before the Great War.

Hooray! Met Our Fourth Goal, On to Our Fifth: Karōshi Prevention

Please give generously to support this fundraiser, including keeping Yves in fighting form.

A Dilly in Philly: Kamala v. Trump Presidential Debate Live Blog

Volatility is the central feature of this election, despite all efforts to keep things stable. It follows that the debate will be volatile.

2:00PM Water Cooler 9/10/2024

~ Today’s Water Cooler: Politics, syndemics; Kamala: Change vs. more of the same; Melania intervenes; Trump’s ear, examined; Winds carry potential pathogens over great distances. ~

Thomas Neuburger: 5G War, or Why You Need Naked Capitalism

Support Naked Capitalism as a key part of your defense against the war to control your information and ultimately, how you see the world.

First Russia-China Barter Trade May Come This Autumn, Sources Say

This is Naked Capitalism fundraising week. 632 donors have already invested in our efforts to combat corruption and predatory conduct, particularly in the financial realm. Please join us and participate via our donation page, which shows how to give via check, credit card, debit card, PayPal, Clover, or Wise. Read about why we’re doing this fundraiser, what we’ve […]

Links 9/10/2024