Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Russian Foreign Ministry Ties Red Sea Blockade to Gaza Blockade, Backs Houthis in Moscow Meeting

In the Gaza conflict, Russia has shifted from being uncommitted to supporting the Houthis and Iran. How much will this change the US posture?

2:00PM Water Cooler 1/25/2024

~ Today’s Water Cooler ~

Israel and US Military Operations in the Middle East Going Wobbly Under Multi-Front Pressure

Things are going from bad to worse for Israel, and on top of that, the US is beating a retreat.

Links 1/25/2024

Fossil Fuel Speculators—Not Consumers—Would Win Big From LNG Exports: Report

Expansion of U.S’ LNG export capacity simply enables Big Oil giants and commodity traders’ ability to earn eye-popping profits.

With Trump Front of Mind, New Hampshire Voters Cite Abortion and Obamacare as Concerns

Quelle surprise! Voters are concerned about matters that affect them personally, like abortion access and health care costs.

Our Coming Insecure Energy Future: The Network Conundrum

A key issue for the vaunted energy transition seems not to have gotten the attention it warrants. Reader input appreciated!

2:00PM Water Cooler 1/24/2024

~ Today’s Water Cooler ~

For South Africa, Defending Palestine Is Personal

South Africa’s case against Israel at the ICJ has restored pride among its people

Links 1/24/2024

Can a Real Left Party Save Germany From Itself? 

Sahra Wagenknecht wants to inject some reason back into German politics with a focus on the working class, but to do that she will also have to take on the Atlanticists running the country into the ground.

On Plagiarism and Related Issues

Better tools make it easier to detect most types of plagiarism than in even the recent past. But where should gatekeepers go with that?

Apple’s Next Big Thing

Nearly everyone who wants an iPhone already has one. What’s next for Apple?

2:00PM Water Cooler 1/23/2024

~ Today’s Water Cooler ~

Why There Will Never Be a Two-State Solution

Throwing cold water on two-state solution hopium.