Wednesday, October 9, 2024

2:00PM Water Cooler 1/5/2024

~ Today’s Water Cooler ~

Unhappy New Year: How Austerity is Making a Comeback in Berlin and Brussels

How EU states are still trapped in their self-devised austerity hairshirt.

Links 1/5/2024

Will 2024 Mark the End of Ursula Von Der Leyen’s EU Presidency?

With court cases and EU elections looming in the first half of this year, big question marks hang over the future of the EU Commission president.  

Israel Shifts to Targeted Escalation, With Justification for Entry into Lebanon One Likely Aim

Pressure is still growing in and around Israel, with an Israel full bore attack on Lebanon looking all too likely.

Permafrost, Methane and Climate Change

Yet another climate change accelerant not getting remotely the attention warranted: permafrost melt.

2:00PM Water Cooler 1/4/2024

~ Today’s Water Cooler ~

Seeing the Human in Every Patient − From Biblical Texts to 21st Century Relational Medicine

Medicine, at least in the US, is increasingly divorced from caring for patients, as opposed to treating maladies. Can that be remedied?

Links 1/4/2024

Russian Asset Seizure Scheming: EU and Euro as US War Proxies Would Take Most Risk; USD Assets Only $4.6 Billion

Addressing wide-of-the-mark commentary on the latest too-clever Western idea. of stealing the $300 billion in Russian central bank assets.

Beijing’s Bid For Influence in the Global South

Even a US propaganda organ is having to take notice of how China is taking advantage of US policy failures, particularly in the Global South.

Advances in Mind-Decoding Technologies Raise Hopes (and Worries)

If you are worried about spying on your devices, consider that mind-reading technology is already showing meaningful results.

2:00PM Water Cooler 1/3/2024

~ Today’s Water Cooler ~

We Deserve Medicare for All, But What We Get Is Medicare for Wall Street

An overview of health care, particularly Medicare, rentierism, with private equity playing a starring role.

Links 1/3/2024